XWearplate / Suction sideplate for Goulds 3175 pump size 8×10-22
Product ID: P9165
- Manufacture: Goulds
- Size: 8×10-22
- Material: CF8M Stainless
Product id: P9165
Description: Goulds 3175 Wareplate / Suction Side Plate, size 8x10x22, material.. XWearplate / Suction Sideplate for Warren 6/5PL12 pump , Part Number 682E0003
Product ID: P9166
- Manufacture: Warren
- Size: 12 inch
- Material: 316ss
Product id: P9166
Description: Warren suction sideplate/wareplate for pump model 6/5PL12, size 12", material.. XWeir Minerals Warman 2″ Power End Assembly Unused Storeroom Spare
Product ID: P12790
- Manufacture: Weir Minerals
- Size 2″
Product id: P12790
Description: Unused Storeroom Spare Warman 2" Power End Assembly XWeir Minerals Warman 3″ Power End Assembly Unused Storeroom Spare
Product ID: P12791
- Manufacture: Weir Minerals
- Size 3″
Product id: P12791
Description: Unused Storeroom Spare Warman 3" Power End Assembly XWeir Minerals Warman E22SHFT Bearing Assembly New Storeroom Spare
Product ID: P12924
- Manufacture: Weir Minerals
- Part No. FFAM005MSYN
Product id: P12924
Description: New Storeroom Spare Warman Power End Assembly Part # FFAM005MSYN,.. XWeir Minerals Warman E22SHFT Bearing Assembly New Storeroom Spare
Product ID: P12925
- Manufacture: Weir Minerals
- Part No. FFAM005MSYN
Product id: P12925
Description: New Storeroom Spare Warman Power End Assembly Part # FFAM005MSYN XWeir Minerals Warman E22SHFT Bearing Assembly New Storeroom Spare
Product ID: P12926
- Manufacture: Weir Minerals
- Part No. FFAM005MSYN
Product id: P12926
Description: New Storeroom Spare Warman Power End Assembly Part # FFAM005MSYN XWorthington CastIron Casing Volute 18FRBH-223 New Storeroom Spare
Product ID: P13689
- Manufacture: Worthington
- Size: 18FRBH-223
- Material: CI
- 15oFF
- S/N: 2121529-01
- Made in Canada
Product id: P13689
Description: New Storeroom Spare Worthington 18FRBH-223 CI Casing XGoulds pump model 3196 impeller, size 8″, 316 Stainless
Product ID: P 7115
- Material: 316
- Condition: New
Product id: P 7115
Description: New Goulds 3196 impeller to fit pump size 2x3-10 ,.. XAhlstrom / Sulzer Impeller to fit pump model APT44-8
Product ID: PT 7123
- Material: 316
- Condition: New
Product id: PT 7123
Description: New impeller to fit Ahlstrom / Sulzer pump model APT.. XAhlstrom / Sulzer Impeller to fit pump model APT44-8
Product ID: PT 7124
- Material: 316
- Condition: New
Product id: PT 7124
Description: New impeller to fit Ahlstrom / Sulzer pump model APT.. XBack Pull Out with Impeller for Ahlstrom / Sulzer Medium Consistency Pump Model MCA 22-4
Product ID: P9912
- Manufacture :Ahlstrom / Sulzer
- Material: A890 Stainless
- Size: MCA22-4
- Impeller Diameter 9.5″ x 15.5″ Aprox
Product id: P9912
Description: Rebuilt to new Back Pull Out with Impeller for Sulzer..
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